When you are transferring a .com, .net, .org, .info, or .biz domain registration from one registrar to another, there are specific steps you will need to take to prepare your domain. Below are the details to prepare your domain for transfer with your current registrar and then submit the transfer request with NityGity.
Meanwhile, more details on the transfer process and on how to move from a specific registrar, can be found here.
Prepare your domain for a transfer promotion:
1. Verify that the domain name is eligible for transfer. The domain will need to be unlocked and must have been with your current registrar for at least 60 days;
2. Verify you have access to the email address on the Administrative WHOIS contact;
3. Unlock the domain;
4. Get your Auth/EPP code from your current registrar;
5. Add the funds needed to your NityGity account or verify you have a credit card on file;
6. Initiate the domain transfer at NityGity and add to your cart.
Once the promotion has started:
1. Apply the coupon code to your cart;
2. Verify the cost change is reflected;
3. Complete the checkout process using the account funds on file or saved payment method.
After Checkout you will have one more step:
1. Check your email for the verification email request;
2. Click the link to approve this transfer.
You can see more details on any of these steps here. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact our support department.