This error message means that our system was unable to retrieve the complete contact information for the domain from the current Registrar. In some cases, the current Registrar may be blocking IP addresses for WHOIS queries and it may be necessary to request that they release complete WHOIS information for the domain. Once the contact information is generally accessible in public WHOIS, you may resubmit the transfer.
Refund information
All NityGity transfers are risk-free. In case of transfer failure, a full refund will be issued to your NityGity account balance. This information can be found in your NityGity account Dashboard.Once all modifications are made and the domain name is prepared for transfer, you may resubmit the transfer at Domain - Transfers page and select ‘Account Funds’ as the payment method during checkout.
If you paid for the transfer with a credit card or PayPal and no longer wish to transfer your domain, our Support Team will gladly assist in refunding your payment to the appropriate service. If you are certain that the domain name requested is not currently registered with NityGity and this problem persists, email or start a Live Chat with our support team and we will be happy to assist you.